I think I might like Eric Dolphy better as a flautist than a Sax player. Maybe it’s just because there is so much sax action in jazz. It’s nice to have something a bit different, lighter, able to rise and flutter and cut above the upright bass and the low tones of the vibes. Jitterbug Waltz is like a mix of ambient electronica, detective music, and a walk in a park on a late spring day. If show tunes were this good, I’d listen to show tunes.
A while back, Voile came out with these nylon buckle straps. I was leery, but we tested and couldn’t break them. So here we are. Nylon buckle voile straps. Why? Well, I’m not gunna connect it up with Eric Dolphy, if that’s what you were hoping. You can come up with some art school bullshit about that if you want. The nylon buckle straps are of interest because they come in more earth toned colors than the standard voile straps, colors like Mochi’s (our cat) belly tan, Trout Lily Leaf olive green, and some other colors I can’t remember and can’t look up because I’m writing this without internet access.
These work the same way the other Voile straps do. I always pack an extra one, and usually regret not packing two extras. They’re good for so many things, it’s pointless to list them. I’ll just say this: more useful than a short length of rope, a bungee, a length of wire, or long piece of overcooked spaghetti.